USC Price School of Public Policy Teaching
How I teachIn all of my classes, the primary learning objectives are to:
I use a combination of teaching approaches to meet the diverse learning styles of students. I include a mix of lecture, reading-based discussion, in-class exercises, presentations, and long-term project development. I aim to provide a challenging yet supportive environment where students are expected and encouraged to experiment. I strive to push my students further, beyond their comfort zone and established norms. Too often we surround ourselves with like-minded people. This can be especially true in my courses, which draws students with shared values around public goods and social responsibility. I work to create an environment where students feel safe to express minority opinions while also pushing students to assess how different opinions form based on experiences, culture, and institutions. |
What I teachAt USC, I teach courses on the nonprofit sector, philanthropy, and social innovation.
At the undergraduate level, I teach PPD 371 Nonprofit Sector & the Public Interest and PPD 478 Social Innovation, which are both part of the Philanthropy, Nonprofits and Social Innovation Track of the Bachelor of Science in Public Policy degree. At the graduate level, I teach PPD 689 Nonprofit Sector & Philanthropy and PPDE 580 Social Innovation in our Master of Nonprofit Leadership Management program. All of my classes are also open as electives and regularly pull in students from other degree programs and schools across the university. Beyond the classroomOutside of classes, I regularly mentor students across all levels informally and formally through directed readings, thesis advising, and within my lab. I am also the faculty advisor for Trojan Shelter, a student-run homeless shelter for college students.
Why I teachAs academics, teaching is our greatest impact. In each class, we touch dozens of students and give them the skills and knowledge to change the world and find success in life. Teaching also provides an environment for testing out new questions and assessing how the concepts I research are adopted in practice. Together with my students, we expand our understanding of the tools available to spur innovation.